January 2024

RANGER Private Investigators (PI)

Who are Ranger PIs? Most people associate private investigators (PIs) with ex-Police or ex-Military personnel. In actuality, PIs come from all walks of life. Past and current Ranger PIs include career investigators, ex-Police personnel, ex-Military personnel, private security personnel, housing agents, financial agents, insurance agents, drivers, IT specialists, engineers, students, legal professionals and even an ex-jockey! ​Armed with basic private investigator licensing and our in-house surveillance tradecraft training, Ranger PIs are versatile investigators and specialists with respect to their own background experience. The varied background of our PIs enable us to adapt to the different requirements of each case,​ Passionate, professional, discreet, effective PIs from Ranger ​Ranger surveillance PIs operate in teams to confidently deliver successful mission results. With careful consideration of the pre-determined surveillance area and quick adaptability to the changing environment as our target(s) move, team members use various modes of transportation: Car, Motorcycle and On- foot, to optimize surveillance and timely capture of critical video evidence. ​Ranger PIs enjoy the challenges of each case and endeavor to obtain the truth for our Clients, each time every time.

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Private Investigation (PI) = Helping People

The Private Investigator (PI) Business Our business is to help people. ​Contrary to what some may believe, private investigation work actually aims to help people. Many clients who come to seek the advice and support of a private investigator (PI) have usually made their own attempts to obtain the truth and failed, or are too afraid to try for fear of repercussions. betfinal com Some even feel guilty coming to a PI to check on their loved ones. Others simply want someone else to do the work instead of themselves. ​As private investigators, we lend a listening ear, empathize, advise and sometimes, we even counsel. We come up with suggestions and proposals to alleviate the client’s pain and lift the burden off their shoulders, Sometimes there is no perfect or obvious solution, but usually there will be several options that we can explore to move towards a resolution. In many cases, the PI-client relationship bonds very quickly and a long-lasting trust bridges the two parties. Some even become BFFs (best friends forever)! True to the saying: “It is better to have a close neighbors than a distant relative”. ملاعب اليورو 2024 At the end of the day, our services aim to put our client’s heart at ease, to take over the “monkeys” sitting on their shoulders so that our clients can find their peace of mind and ultimately resolve their problems and burdens. العاب الفراعنة القدماء We, Ranger PIs are here to help.

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Hiring Private Investigators (PIs)

In Singapore, the Private Security Industry Act covers the work performed by the private investigation industry. Private investigation agencies are issued licenses by the Police Licensing & Regulatory Department (PLRD) of the Singapore Police Force (SPF) to operate and every private investigator need to be screened and trained before they can work as one. When hiring  PI At Ranger Investigation, you can find the contact number listed on our website https://www.ranger-security.com.sg/. Dial the number +65 9698 8142 to reach our representative. Usually a meeting is then arranged at our office or at your place of convenience for a discussion to understand your concerns in detail. On the spot, a solution comprising of method and price will be proposed and you can decide if it meets your requirements. Upon mutual agreement, a contract will be signed and operations will begin as planned. ​The meeting is not chargeable and all matters discussed are kept in strict confidence, regardless of whether you decide to procure our services or not. You are welcome to enquire about our services at anytime of the day, even if it is late at night.

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Private Investigator’s Success Rate

Success Rate of a PI in Singapore? neteller An often-asked question with regard to our Private Investigation services is: “What is your PI success rate?” Sometimes success in our line of work has a different definition with our Client. We have come across Clients who expect to hear 100% (or somewhere in the region) success in getting the evidence that they require. Usually in response, we align our Client with our definition of success instead of the other way around. Defining Success and Successful Outcomes Our definition of success is measured by the ability to obtain the evidence when the Act of Interest takes place while remaining covert. Contrary to what some may think, our success is not defined by whether we are able to produce the particular type of evidence that the client have in mind. After all, whether or not our target commits the Act of Interest is beyond our control. betfinal عربي A job well done is one where we obtain all the necessary evidence as it takes place, leave the scene and the target(s) is not aware that we were even there at all. العاب بوكر

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Be mentally prepared before using private investigator (PI) services

Preparing to use a Private Investigator (PI) Many Clients go through a phase where they will deliberate with themselves or a close confidante whether they should hire a private investigator (PI). Some spend long agonising hours thinking, moving back and forth, taking sides and end up losing sleep, feeling nauseous or not eating well. My advice: do NOT let yourself go through this. This kind of stress destroys you. A decision needs to be made, and move on to the next step from there. From uncovering the truth, gathering the evidence and support you need to face difficulties, you can make a clear decision to settle it once it for all and move on. Mental Preparation for the Truth One should be mentally prepared to handle the truth, prior to obtaining it. If you are not prepared for the truth, which can be so very cruel at times, do not attempt to seek it. For once you know it, you cannot un-know it. It is best to be mentally prepared for the worst possible outcome or the truth can consume you. Remember: Finding out what is really happening is usually not difficult; it is the handling and management of the truth that is challenging. In the event you have decide to seek the truth, let Ranger Investigation assist or help you. We can work out a solution to suit your specific requirements.

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Investigating Moonlighting Employees

Effects of Employee Moonlighting Employee moonlighting is an unhealthy practice that takes place in many organisations. On the surface, it is condoned by many “as long as it does not affect performance”. In reality it is inevitable that performance will be affected as the employee are usually distracted, sometimes sleep deprived as well. In more sinister cases, loyalty to the organisation is compromised and confidential information, trade secrets or sales revenue lost. Signs your employee may be moonlighting: Ranger Investigation has assisted many employers to uncover and obtain evidence of moonlighting employees. Stop these unfair practices in your organisation! Contact us today at +65 9698 8142

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Evidence Collected by Private Investigators

Quality Collection By Ranger Private Investigations Evidence collected by private investigators need to be relevant, obtained legally and unadulterated. There are 2 categories in general: Direct and Indirect. Direct evidence proves a fact without any presumptions or inferences and can either be direct testimony of a witness, item or document. Indirect evidence (also termed as circumstantial) proves a fact by inference from circumstances using reasoning and experience. Some examples are in the form of fingerprints, surveillance videos, audio recordings, etc. Experienced, Discreet, Professional & Effective Private Investigation Service Various proprietary collection techniques and methods, honed after amassing many years of experience are deployed by Ranger Private Investigations to acquire evidences described above. Ranger Investigators collect direct and indirect deliverables depending on the requirement and situation. Engage us today to obtain the support you require. Call +65 9698 8142.

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Angels Services

“She made broken look beautiful and strong look invincible. She walked with the Universe on her shoulder and made it look like a pair of wings”  – Ariana Dancu And that’s what Angels Services is about. We are about acceptance, authenticity, change, courage,  empowering women to make a suitable decision and positivity. Angel Services is a brand started by Ranger Investigation providing “for women by women” personalised private investigation dedicated to the purpose of evoking Positive Change within Women. Just before the end of 2018, my boss requested me to write about Angels Services. “Go back to the roots and why we wanted to start this in the beginning. Don’t have to be long just a paragraph or two.” He said. I have to admit; it wasn’t easy for me. How can I encapsulate this “purposeful” concept into a story-telling journey that speaks to the audience? “Too fluffy, vague!” Obviously, it is fluffy and vague, especially when it’s in the private investigation industry, and to add on to its difficulty, we are doing an old business in a new way. It would be a breeze if I am to write about a “for women by women” in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. It took me countless Spotify playlists, lonely drives and drafts to finally settle for the below. Back to the roots Years back, I engaged my current boss for private investigation. Within my 1-year experience, I realised private investigation is actually a very meaningful occupation which is more often than not, under and negatively represented. (of course, my boss made the positive impact!) Subsequently I was approached through close friends who witnessed my change, to share my life changing experience and journey with other ladies who faced similar issues privately. Through these meetings and private phone calls, I realised that there are a lot of women out there that are helpless and lost; not only with the discovery but also the aftermath that can range from children and parents’ issues to schools and matrimonial assets. I am aware of the domino effect if these are not dealt with a positive and rational mindset. More importantly, how it will affect the children in a long run. I was fortunate that my arduous journey was made less difficult because my connections were able to direct me to sound advice, right support, person, resources and etc to guide me every time. I cannot say the same for these ladies I journeyed with. Certain events happen for a reason, who you met, what you experienced may be preparing you for more meaningful duties in life. When we realised helping women find closure to move forward rationally was something that can have a profound effect on society, Angels Services was cast in stone… with my current boss over a basket of fries & chicken wings. For Women by Women The concept of Female Private Investigator is not new. There are existing female private investigation firms in many countries including the US, England, Japan and Hong Kong. So a “for women by women” private investigation oriented solely for females, turns out to be a “unique” touchpoint to journey with ladies and advocating positive change. It also turns out that Female Private Investigators are not common because of the inherent characteristics of this occupation (it’s not a joking matter working in Singapore weather). Females are underrepresented in this industry and the irony: more than 50% of the actual businesses are actually from females. “When women support each other, incredible things happen.” Men and women are different and in times like this, a feminine touch may be more comforting and puts us at ease. At Angels, we provide quality private investigation with a personal touch while advocating positivity. We want to provide a safe, inclusive and comfortable space for women to turn to because we been through it. We understand that you may not summon enough emotional and mental capacity to handle the sudden overloading. No matter who you are, you can hear real stories, practicable suggestions, and encouragement from someone who has dealt with similar issues from us. The Soul and Spirit Despite the above, I can never fully encapsulate Angels Services in one sitting because the ethos lies in our attitudes and aspirations. It will be dynamic and ever changing as long as we adopt the improving mindset, believing in creating positive ripple effects, empowering women and take our roots as our guiding light. * Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer – Ranger Investigation and/or clients.

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Why should I choose Ranger / Angels?

Ranger & Angels Investigation – Who are we? A person who seeks to hire an investigator has usually gone through stressful situations and mulled over the decision for many sleepless nights. The back-and-forth process during the high involvement decision-making is a typical one as there are many considerations that need to be taken. The necessity, the cost, and most importantly, whether they are ready to face the reality of knowing. Ranger vs Angels Investigation RANGER and ANGELS investigators work with the intention of mitigating the uncertainties our clients face. While there are many different situations we can help in, matrimonial cases where our clients suspect a third-party are the most common and understandably, the most upsetting. If you are struggling with misgivings about your relationship or your spouse’s whereabouts, contact us for a free consultation to discuss your situation. Whether you prefer a male investigator or you feel that a female investigator can better support you, Ranger & Angels Investigation will be here for you. Ranger/ Angels Investigation Experienced PI Agency in Singapore During the consultation, we will listen to you to better understand the case, and advise you accordingly with an action plan. With more than 30 years in the business, RANGER is well-equipped with experience and the necessary skill set to help you out. In the event where we think an investigation is unnecessary, we will also provide advice regarding steps you can take moving forward. At the heart of our business, we believe in helping people. Rest assured that we work for your best interests when you leave your investigations to either Ranger or Angels.

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What does a PI do?

Qualified Private Investigators (PI) In Singapore A Private Investigator, termed PI for short, is someone who works for a private client to gather evidence to support a claim in/out of court. In Singapore, all Private Investigators are required to be licensed by the Police Licensing Regulatory Department (PLRD) and work under a licensed Private Investigation firm. As such, you can be certain that our actions and the evidence that we collect will adhere to the law, and will hence be admissible in court. Private Investigation (PI) Activities, Tasks & Surveillance So, what does a PI do? Traditionally, a PI conducts surveillance – that is, to physically follow a specific person around for an amount of time to observe their actions. By conducting surveillance, we are able to find out and uncover many things that may otherwise be unknown. Habits, frequent haunts, places of residence and work and even friends and acquaintances can be uncovered. It is also common that we unearth vices that spouses may not know about or a second job that an employer was unaware of. Over time, we are usually able to establish a behavioral pattern that becomes useful for future investigations. Social Media & Technological Disruptions on Private Investigation (PI) With modern advancements in technology, traditional surveillance has evolved into another form – online surveillance. As social media becomes an integral part of our lives, information that was once only obtainable through conventional methods has become more accessible as well. Open-source Intelligence (OSINT) & other Surveillance Not falling behind as the times move forward, Open-source Intelligence (OSINT) is another method Ranger utilizes in our information-gathering efforts, both as a supplement before we begin traditional surveillance, and as a standalone method of evidence collection for our clients. Just as each of our clients faces a unique set of circumstances and challenges when gathering evidence, Ranger utilizes a myriad of available techniques and methodologies tailored to their needs to get the job done. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you.

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